Fancy producing organic food? Learn how to cultivate vegetables and flowers indoors.
Tuesday mornings - 10:00am -12 noon - Starting on 16th April to 14th May - Cost: £20 for 4 weeks.
Fancy doing some sewing? Please join our Sewing Group on Thursday mornings, come along and learn how to sew! Patterns and fabric (and some machines) available. Starting on 18th April 2013, from 10:00am to 12 noon, Denny WASP Art Room. This is a FREE class/group.
Learn the ancient art of Weihai Lishi Quanfa. You'll feel physically, mentally and emotionally more relaxed, balanced and energised with gentle T’ai Chi Form Daoist Yoga and Qigong exercises. Intructor: Grant Heggie. Tuesday afternoons - 1:00pm - 3:00pm - from 16th April to 4th June 2013 at Bonnybridge Community Education Centre. Cost: £35 for 8 weeks.
This is a general music skills class for WASP students. The course will take in all the basic aspects of guitar playing. If students want to work on specific areas they will be catered for as well as beginners. Students are encouraged to bring their own instruments for this course. Tutor: Derek McNair. Wednesday evenings - 7:00pm - 9:00pm - from 17th April to 5th June 2013 at Denny Community Education Centre. Cost: £35 for 8 weeks.
Henrietta Wood will share her Knitting and Crochet expertise with other WASP students on Wednesday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. This is a FREE class starting on 17th April to 5th June 2013 at Denny Creche.
An introduction to the workings and use of computers, including packages such as work processing and file management. No Experience Required. Choose from two different days and locations:
- Monday mornings from 9:00am to 10:45am. This is a FREE class starting on 15th April to 10th June 2013 at Bankier Primary School - Computer Suite. Tutor: Lynne Mackie. Or...
- Tuesday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. This is also a FREE class starting on 17th April to 5th June 2013 at at Bonnybridge Community Education Centre. Tutor: Alan Jenkins.
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